SharerTweet Turn off light Comments TrailerServer 1 Cemara’s Family19 votes, average 8.0 out of 10Setelah bangkrut, Abah dan Emak harus beradaptasi dengan kehidupan baru bersama anak-anaknya di desa terpencil.By:sadesPosted on:19 July 2023Tagline:The Most Valuable Treasure is FamilyGenre: DramaYear: 2019Duration: 110 MinRelease:3 Jan 2019Language:Bahasa indonesiaDirector:Yandy LaurensCast:Adhisty Zara, Nirina Zubir, Ringgo Agus Rahmankeluarga cemaraRelated Movies 3 85 minInherit the WitchDrama, Horror23 Sep 2024Cradeaux AlexanderTrailerWatch 6Green Snake: The OriginDrama, Fantasy, Romance, China11 Feb 2025Liu ChunWatch 8 50,45 minEps:8TV ShowUnbelievableCrime, Drama, USA13 Sep 2019Susannah GrantTrailerWatch 7.3 42 minEps:10TV ShowV WarsDrama, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Canada, USA5 Dec 2019Glenn DavisTrailerWatch 7.646Eps:9TV ShowWatchmenCrime, Drama, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, USA20 Oct 2019Damon LindelofTrailerWatch